First Applicant's General Information

    First Applicant's Background Information

    First Applicant's Contact Information

    Second Applicant's General Information

    Second Applicant's Background Information

    Contact Information for Second Applicant (if applicable)

    Heath Kull - President of The Ranches


    Meet Our President

    Heath Kull – President of The Ranches. Heath was born while his parents were living at The Ranches in 1973. He grew up watching and learning about the organization and determined in 1998 that he wanted to assist with helping the organization succeed. His first involvement was through technology. He was able to completely revise the communications system to provide The Ranches with a system that significantly reduced costs and improved interactions between staff. He eventually became involved in the day-to-day operations and became Vice President for Programs.


    The Ranches
    6209 Hendrix Rd NE
    Albuquerque, NM  87110