Our Approach


At The Ranches, we subscribe to the belief that there are no bad children. There are, however, children who have learned to respond to the conditions of their lives in unorthodox ways, and have adopted values that do not serve them well. Our goal is to provide a safe, supportive environment that encourages these children to acquire the tools and values they need to become competent, productive, happy and well-adjusted adults.

Many years of experience have taught us that there are fundamentals that greatly improve a child’s ability to succeed. The most important things we can offer the children who come to us are help, healing and hope.



When children come to The Ranches, they need more than advice. They are usually facing difficult personal situations that can have serious economic, academic and/or legal implications. They need meaningful solutions that make a difference in their immediate circumstances as well as the future. We offer this help through a safe and nurturing place to live, a personalized plan for overcoming their challenges, counseling and an education that brings them back to grade level.


All children need to know that they are loved and wanted. Many children come to us from difficult circumstances and are often unsure about their self-worth. Healing from the difficult and sometimes painful past is important as they mature into adulthood. We aid this process by helping them see themselves as capable and valuable, and by helping them develop a healthy self-concept. A team of professionals works to provide the support services needed for both the child and the family to experience healing and growth.

Some children, forced by the circumstances of their lives, assume adult responsibilities at very young ages. They may find themselves taking care of siblings or an ill parent, or they struggle to survive hunger or physical or emotional abuse. These children have often never known the joys that most of us associate with childhood. At The Ranches, we place importance on providing such children with experiences and opportunities to be a child in the purest sense. Positive experiences and memories are essential building blocks in the journey from childhood to competent adulthood.


hope at The Ranches

A common characteristic among the children who come to The Ranches is intense hopelessness and despair about the future. Many have been told repeatedly that they are incapable and will never amount to anything. Some believe that they will never see their 21st birthday.

Children need to have hope for a bright future. In order to have a chance at that future, they need a high school diploma and additional training in an area that has economic value. At The Ranches, we provide an accredited on-campus school with curriculums designed to bring students back to grade level and instill hope for the future through academic success. Computer and Internet skills are also included. Every child that leaves our program with good computer and Internet skills will have an advantage in both higher education and the work place.

In addition to education, society expects that each of us acquire and live by certain common values – values such as care and concern for others, honesty, integrity and a strong work ethic. We teach children these values, why they are important, and that there are personal and legal consequences for violating them.

Research has also shown that a strong spiritual base is critical to meaningfulness and hope. As a Christian organization, we believe that ultimate hope and meaning comes through Christ. However, our aim is to show unconditional respect, care and concern to all who come to us for help, regardless of their religion. We encourage children to find spiritual answers and direction, but they make spiritual decisions based on their own choices.


Every day children and teens face challenges that severely hinder their potential as responsible, productive citizens. Too many of them don’t overcome those challenges and face futures filled with hopelessness and despair. If these youth are to realize their potential, they need a fresh start … a second chance to make better choices, get an education and learn the skills and values they’ll need as adults and contributing members of the community.

Since 1944, The Ranches has given thousands of boys and girls a fresh start. Our comprehensive programs offer children meaningful help now, healing from the difficulties of the past and the hope of a bright, productive future. Given the right motivation, environment and opportunities, all children can realize their incredible God-given potential.

In addition to education, society expects that each of us acquire and live by certain common values – values such as care and concern for others, honesty, integrity and a strong work ethic. We teach children these values, why they are important, and that there are personal and legal consequences for violating them.

Research has also shown that a strong spiritual base is critical to meaningfulness and hope. As a Christian organization, we believe that ultimate hope and meaning comes through Christ. However, our aim is to show unconditional respect, care and concern to all who come to us for help, regardless of their religion. We encourage children to find spiritual answers and direction, but they make spiritual decisions based on their own choices.

Latest News

Read more about The Ranches or helpful parenting articles by Heath Kull.

Our blog
Monday – Motivation

Growtivation A little growth + a little motivation = a little growtivation. In my continuing [...]

Saturday – Sentiment

Not letting the sun go down on our anger… One of the hardest lessons to [...]

Wednesday – Whatever

The Journey with Grief and Loss We all have our own separate and unique journey [...]

Sunday – My Struggle with Faith

“Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell [...]

What Does it Take to Effectively Care About Other People’s Children?

Many of the adults who become staff at The Ranches, start off with an altruistic [...]

25th Annual Pete Leyva Memorial Golf Tournament

Join us for the 25th Annual Pete Leyva Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday, September 12th, 2022.Help support at-risk [...]

Wednesday – Where I Find God

The night I hit rock bottom, sittin’ on an old bar stool He paid my [...]

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