Christmas Appeal 2022
Dear Friends,
Well, It’s me again!
I think y’all are well aware of my discomfort with this process and with asking for money. As I am prone to tell the kids though, “when you get a job, don’t try to change the way the job is done. Just do your job the way that they tell you to do it!”
So, I am taking my own advice.
Y’all have pitched in a contributed to multiple vehicles, an indoor arena that makes working with horses in the winter much easier, computer upgrades, repainting our water tower after upgrading our sprinkler system and a whole host of vacation experiences. More recently, y’all have pitched in significantly towards the building of a 5th cottage at The Ranches.
In short, you all have showed up and given generously.
This year, as we head into Christmas, we are, as is usually the case with us, incredibly appreciative of all that you have done and continue to do for us. As you consider giving to worthy causes this Christmas, we ask that you consider giving to The Ranches in order to help us to buy an additional van for that 5th cottage that we are building.
Heath Kull – President